Projects Currently Under Construction
West Salem High School Addition
Salem Keizer School District
GC: Todd Construction
Construction Cost: $34.5 million
A new three-story classroom wing will include more space for the fire science and emergency medical technician programs.
(20) new classrooms and (2) science labs

Hillsboro Elementary School #29
GC: Kirby Nagelhout Construction
Construction Cost: $40 million
Two-story, 73,500-square-feet New Elementary School
Completion Date: Fall 2023

Marion County Health & Human Services Building
Marion County
GC: Triplett Wellman
31,600 square foot new building for ​Marion County Health and Human Services building

Stephens Middle School Addition/Remodel
Yoshikai Elementary School Addition/Remodel
Salem Keizer School District
GC: Pence Construction​
30,500 Sqft classrooms, cafeteria, kitchen additions and upgraded security to Existing Middle & Elementary Schools.

New Dundee Elementary School
Newberg School District
GC: Kirby Nagelhout Construction
52,000 square foot new single story Elementary School.

Aware Food Bank
City of Woodburn
GC: Triplett Wellman
8,600 square foot new building to replace an existing due to a fire back in 2021. Drive in cooler, retail area, warehouse space and office.

Portland Public SchoolsMULTIPLE SITES ADA/SPED UPGRADES PKG 1-D Project.
Portland Public Schools
GC: Skyward Construction
Remodel of 13 special education classrooms